Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation

Sabri Ülker Foundation

A Message From Our Chairman

A warm welcome to this, the English version of the Sabri Ülker Foundation (SÜF) website. The Foundation was established in 2009 in honour of Sabri Ülker, a veteran of the Turkish food industry and well known philanthropist in Türkiye and beyond. The focus of our Foundation is public health. I inherited a flourishing enterprise when I joined back in 2018 and we are indebted to very many organisations, scientists, communication specialists and other experts from around the world for sharing their insights and expertise, for their collaboration and, above all, for their ongoing encouragement. I would also like to gratefully acknowledge the tireless efforts of our team here in Istanbul, and of our International Science Committee. With this support and guidance we have become well established as a ‘go-to’ resource for those seeking input on health and nutrition, especially in Türkiye and surrounding areas. Much of the information featured on the Turkish version of our website is only available in Turkish and the objective of this English language version is to provide an overview of the activities of our Foundation for a wider audience. It is not intended to provide a direct translation.

We welcome feedback and suggestions and, together we look forward to building on our efforts to date for the good of society.

Our Vision

The Sabri Ülker Foundation is a not for profit science-based organization making a significant contribution towards improving public health in Türkiye and beyond.

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