Horizon 2020 and Other EU Projects

The Sabri Ülker Foundation is actively involved in a range of EU projects relevant to our interests and objectives. These also provide an excellent opportunity for networking within the European scientific community.

Examples include:


The main goals of this project are to create better relationships between farmers and consumers and to reduce transportation costs and CO2 emissions. The agroBRIDGES project, funded by the European Union, will provide farmers with practical information and tools to reduce intermediaries and create new business and marketing models based on short food supply chains (SFSC). A combination of communication materials, training programs, events and digital tools will be planned for this purpose. Türkiye is a partner in this project which includes 15 institutes and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from around Europe.

The role of the Sabri Ülker Foundation in this project is to support the dissemination and communication of training programs, events and digital tools to be offered to farmers for sustainability in agriculture.

Our Foundation hosted the final conference of the agroBRIDGES Project in Istanbul on the 14th and 15th of December. We have successfully completed this project, which has been ongoing for the last three years.


Citizen Labs of Turkey and Malta

This project has focused on the issue of food waste. Sabri Ülker Foundation has had a co-ordinating role in the project which has been funded by EIT Food, Europe's leading food innovation initiative, https://www.eitfood.eu The project was carried out by Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) and Malta Food Agency under the co-ordination of our foundation. It reached 5.000 people with awareness-raising publications on food waste in a short period of four months. 

Click for the project website.

Career Days 

The main objective of the Career Days (CDs) is to raise awareness of the significance of food in modern life, and to demonstrate their relevance to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The objective of Career Days is to illustrate to the next generation of children and adolescents the necessary higher education pathways, leading to meaningful and exciting careers that innovate the agrifood sector across the entire value chain, in agri/aquaculture, industry, academia and research, but also as entrepreneurs and creators of startups.

70 students from Bahçeşehir Dragos Campus, one of the schools included in our EIT Food-Food Educators project, participated in the event with their advisor teachers.  Workshops held in the pilot facility and R&D centre  gave children the inspiration to develop their own science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills outside the classroom environment. Students observed the baking stage of biscuits, learnt about raw materials and ingredients and had the opportunity to develop their own recipes.

Click for the project website.


Food Educators 

Food Educators is a European Union project that provides young people with materials to support them in making healthy and sustainable food choices. FoodEducators (formerly “Youth Mission”) is an EIT Food programme that aims to promote healthy and sustainable food choices among young people and encourage them to be the agents of change that our food system needs.

We provide teachers with fun, creative and interesting activities to disseminate to young people, mainly schoolchildren. Our easily accessible, science-based food education materials enhance students’ learning so they can become better informed, conscious consumers of the future. We harvest new insights into how to deepen learning experiences around food, promote health and sustainability, and motivate future generations to pursue careers in the agrifood sector. Our programme focuses on inspiring leadership, conscious consumerism, food science literacy, entrepreneurial mindsets, and vocational possibilities among young people aged 9 to 18 years old.

Our mission is to support food educators working in Europe and beyond to encourage young people to make healthy and sustainable food choices and inspire them to pursue a career in agri-food. To achieve this goal, we provide teachers with course content that includes fun, creative and interesting classroom activities to deliver to primary and secondary school students.

Our programme consortium consists of organizations from across Europe: AZTI, Climate Smart Elephant, IAR & FR PAS (Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of PAS), LEAF, Matis and Sabri Ülker Foundation.

The main role of the Sabri Ülker Foundation in this project is to disseminate this project in Türkiye and reach as many teachers and students as possible.

Click for the project website

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