Healthy Living Initiative

Healthy Living Initiative

This is an in-house initiative, aimed at colleagues within our Foundation and within Yıldız Holding. We organise a wide variety of activities to encourage our colleagues to subscribe to a healthy lifestyle which includes both nutrition and physical activity. We provide Corporate Nutrition Consultancy to our colleagues, carry out internal communication activities and organize in-company healthy life events. The primary goal of the Healthy Living Center is to support lifelong health. We offer personalized diets to employees which enable them to adopt a sustainable routine of healthy, adequate, and balanced nutrition. In the last three years, approximately 1500 employees have been provided with consultancy services at the Center. In 2022, some 300 employees were given one-on-one Healthy Life Coaching, 4 out of 10 of whom reached their ideal weight, and a total weight loss of 130 kg was recorded. This year we added an online facility which will widen the scope of our Healthy Living Centre.




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