Our Science Committee

Dr. Talat İçöz

Dr. Talat İçöz

Chairman of Sabri Ülker Foundation

Mr. Talat İçöz was born in Bursa in 1947. He graduated from İzmir Maarif Koleji in 1965 and from Management Department of METU Administrative Sciences Faculty in 1969. He completed his MS degree in City and Regional Planning Department of METU Architecture Faculty in 1971. Upon completion of his military service in 1973, Talat İçöz worked at several private companies as Project Manager, Deputy General Manager, Manager and Founding Partner until 1987. Elected as a member of parliament, he served as Vice President of Motherland Party and also took part in the Constitution Commission, and Industry and Technology Commission of Turkish Grand National Assembly. He engaged in commercial activities both in Türkiye and abroad between the years 1991-2000 and also worked as consultant at various private companies. He has been lecturing “Turkish Business Environment” course at Management Department of Bilgi University since 2011.


Prof. F. Nur Baran Aksakal

Prof. F. Nur Baran Aksakal

Science Committee Member of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation Head of the Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health

Professor Aksakal is Head of the Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health and lectures in several areas of Public Health, mainly on life-course immunization, communicable diseases epidemiology, control of infectious diseases and environmental health. She is also involved in field training of trainers for health personnel.

She worked in the Ministry of Health of Turkey, Department of Communicable Diseases and Control of Epidemics as a public health specialist and Unit Head for Control of Epidemics and Surveillance between 2001 and 2004. She also acted as the Secretary of National Immunization Advisory Committee. There she worked in establishing the National Surveillance System for Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI). She actively participated in preparing and conducting nationwide routine immunization programmes – being responsible for the Hepatitis B Control and Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination Programme – and several supportive immunization campaigns in Turkey.

Since early 2004, Professor Aksakal has been continuing her academic investigations and studies in Gazi University Department of Public Health. She has also worked for WHO/Europe on immunization-related areas mainly on training of health professionals and consultancy in establishing AEFI systems. She currently acts as a member of several national advisory committees, including the National Immunization Advisory Committee and National AEFI Scientific Committee. She has technical and scientific expertise in introduction of new vaccines and establishing and evaluation of AEFI surveillance systems.

Professor Aksakal is Head of the Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health and lectures in several areas of Public Health, mainly on life-course immunization, communicable diseases epidemiology, control of infectious diseases and environmental health. She is also involved in field training of trainers for health personnel.

Prof. Dr. Diána Bánáti

Prof. Diána Bánáti

Science Committee Member of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation University of Szeged, Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Bánáti has 20-yearsexperience of research and university teaching. She is a widely recognised professor on food safety, food policy, food regulatory sciences and consumer science. During her professional career, she served as Director General of the Central Food Research Institute (CFRI/KÉKI), Hungary (2000-2011). She acted as a Ministerial Commissioner for food safety and international scientific research cooperation and Chief Scientific Advisor at the Hungarian Ministry of Rural Development (2011-2012).. Prof. Bánáti was formerly Chair of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for 2 mandates (2008-2012) and Vice-Chair (2006-2008). She has been appointed member of several international scientific organisations including FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius, EFFoST, OECD, European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies of the European Commission. She has been elected a Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST) and a member of Academia Europaea. She is also member of several Editorial Boards including Acta Alimentaria, International Journal of Horticultural Science and Food Science and Technology. Prof. Bánáti is author of 120 peer-reviewed publications, 43 book chapters and more than 100 conference proceedings and abstracts related to food science, in particular food safety, food policy, legislation and consumer sciences. She has also organised and chaired a large number of international conferences (e.g. EFFoST, CEEFood). She has been involved extensively in national and international R&D programmes and EU research projects (FP6, FP7). She was Executive and Scientific Director of ILSI Europe between 2012-2018.

Dr. Laura Fernández Celemín

Dr. Laura Fernández Celemín

Science Committee Member of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation European Food Information Council (EUFIC) - General Director

Dr Laura Fernández Celemín holds a Diploma degree in dietetics & human nutrition and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. Laura’s role as Director General of EUFIC includes deciding on the Nutrition and Food Safety strategy for EUFIC and the supervision of EUFIC activities in EU-funded research projects Laura has published several manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, trade magazines and other specialised press. In addition, she has given numerous presentations about EUFIC, EUFIC’s consumer research as well as on results from EU-project research to various audiences. EUFIC communicates science-based information on nutrition and health, food safety and quality, to help consumers to be better informed when choosing a well-balanced, safe and healthful diet.

Prof. Gökhan Hotamışlıgil

Prof. Gökhan Hotamışlıgil

Science Committee President of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation J.S. Simmons Professor of Genetics and Metabolism, Chair Of The Department Of Genetics and Complex Diseases and Sabri Ülker Center, Harvard University

Hotamisligil graduated from Ankara University, Medical School in 1986 and completed his specialty training and dissertation studies in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Genetics at Harvard University. He is currently the J.S. Simmons Professor of Genetics and Metabolism and Chair of the Sabri Ülker Center. His seminal discoveries and innovative work on immunometabolism, organelle function and lipids has opened up new fields of study on fundamental mechanisms related to metabolic diseases. These have been recognized by many distinctions including Markey and Pew Fellowships, TUBITAK and Vehbi Koç Science Awards, Outstanding Scientific Accomplishment Award of American Diabetes Association, Naomie Berrie, Wertheimer and Roy Greep Awards and Danone International Nutrition Prize and EASD-NovoNordisk Foundation's Award of Excellence. He is an elected member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences and fellow of AAAS and serves on the Board of Directors of Kadir Has University. Hotamışlıgil’s discoveries have introduced new concepts for diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis and fatty liver disease and inspired many drug development programs. Through multiple industry-academia partnership programs, Hotamışlıgil continues to pursue preventive and therapeutic solutions for common metabolic diseases.

Dr. Zeki Ziya Sözen

Dr. Zeki Ziya Sözen

Science Committee Member of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation

Dr Sözen, completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Orta Doğu Technical University. He then obtained his PhD at the Chemical Engineering Department, British Columbia University in Canada. After developing his career in a variety of senior positions in several local and international companies, in 1996 Dr Sözen joined Yıldız Holding as General Manager of Ak Gıda. Between 2003-2009 he worked as Head of R&D and Business Development and retired from Head of the Food, Frozen Products and Personal Care Group at Yıldız Holding.

Dr. Julian D Stowell

Dr. Julian D Stowell

Science Committee Consultant of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation

Dr Julian Stowell has retired from his previous position as a Vice President of Scientific Affairs for DuPont, becoming a consultant in nutrition science and legislation. Dr Stowell has a background in biochemistry, holding degrees from Birmingham University, the University of Kent and the University of Hertfordshire, all in the UK. He has more than 40 years experience in R&D, manufacturing, commercial and scientific roles in the food and pharmaceutical sectors. Dr Stowell is a past board member of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Europe, and, from May 2010 to July 2020, served as a visiting research professor at the Oxford Brookes University Centre for Nutrition and Health, formerly the Functional Foods Centre. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) and Past President of the RSM Forum on Food and Health. Dr Stowell has also chaired and participated in many other groups active in the field of health and nutrition.

Prof. Serhat Ünal

Prof. Serhat Ünal

Science Committee Member of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Head of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Department and Director of Vaccine Institute

Dr. Serhat ÜNAL graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1981. He received specialization training in Internal Diseases (1981-1985) and infectious diseases (1989-1990) in Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Ünal also received a specialty training in Infectious Diseases (1990-1992) at the Department of Internal Medicine at the United States Harvard Medical School New England Deaconess Hospital.

Dr. Unal, between the years 1987-1989 Hacettepe University Medical School Cubuk Health Group Deputy Chief of Training and Research Hospital, Family Planning Association of Turkey and the European Community between 1995-1998. AIDS: Senior Policy and Decision Bodies Initiative Project Consultant, European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases «Nosocomial Infections Working Group» between 2003-2007, EFIM Congress Organization Committee Chairman and Congress Chairman in 2009.

Dr. Ünal served as the Deputy Dean of Faculty of Medicine at Hacettepe University between 1996-2000, and served as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the same university between 2006-2011.

Dr. Ünal is the founding president of the Turkish Hospital Infections Association founded in 2000. In addition, in 2010, he was elected as the president of the Turkish Internal Diseases Specialization Association. Between 2001-2013, he served as the head of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine. Since 2013, he has been appointed as the Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology and still continues this duty. Founded in 2018, he is still working as the Director of Hacettepe University Vaccine Institute.

Dr. Ünal started to work as an associate professor in the Department of Internal Diseases, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1989 and received the title of Professor in 1995. His research interests include resistance mechanisms to different antibiotics in Gram-positive bacteria, the use of molecular biology techniques in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, and HIV infection.

Dr. Ünal was selected as the "Fellow" of the American College of Physicians in 2010 and the Royal Collage of Physicians in 2017. İhsan Doğramacı Award; Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, Scotland (1980), Eczacıbaşı Medicine Encouragement Award (1995), TUBITAK Medicine Incentive Award (1996), Voluntary Organizations Women's Health Commission (KASAKOM) - Millennium Volunteers Outstanding Service Award (for his work in the field of HIV / AIDS (2002), Rotary Award for Successful Man of the Year (2006) and The Centenary Medal of Polish Society of Internal Medicine, Poland (2008).


Prof. Zehra Büyüktuncer Demirel

Prof. Zehra Büyüktuncer Demirel

Science Committee - Nutrition Board Member of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Hacettepe University Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Hacettepe University

Prof. Zehra Buyuktuncer-Demirel graduated with a BSc degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Hacettepe University in 2000. She completed an MSc in Dietetics in 2003 and a PhD in Nutrition and Dietetics in 2008 at the Institute of Health Sciences, Hacettepe University. Prof. Büyüktuncer-Demirel was appointed as assistant professor in 2011, associate professor in 2012 and professor in 2018 at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Hacettepe University, where she started as a research assistant in 2001. She is currently the Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, and also Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Hacettepe University. Prof. Büyüktuncer-Demirel worked as a lecturer in the Department of Clinical Sciences at the University of Chester in the UK between 2008-2010, and also as a visiting researcher at Columbia University, Irving Medical Center and Sleep Center of Excellence in the United States in 2019-2020. Prof. Büyüktuncer-Demirel has been the Turkish delegate to the European Federation of Associations of Dietitians (EFAD) and the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations (ICDA) in Turkey since 2015. She is also a member of the EFAD Education Advisory Board. In addition, Prof. Büyüktuncer-Demirel has been a member of the Food and Nutrition Working Group of the Turkish Academy of Sciences since 2018.

Science Committee - Education Board

Prof. Hünkar Korkmaz

Prof. Hünkar Korkmaz

Science Committee - Education Board Member of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation

Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Division of Curriculum and Instruction

Prof. Dr. Hünkar Korkmaz is working at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Korkmaz received his Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees from Hacettepe University. She was at Texas Tech University, USA for postdoctoral studies and worked with Dr. Julie Anna Thomas. She has 30 years of experience in the field of education as a teacher, inspector and lecturer. Dr. Korkmaz served as the Director of Hacettepe University Lifelong Learning Center and Head of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction between 2014-2016. Within the scope of in-service training, she gave seminars to national and international teachers on curriculum literacy, alternative assessment techniques, material development and instructional technologies, teaching principles and methods. Within the scope of Continuing Education Center / Lifelong Learning Center activities at Hacettepe University and Akdeniz University, she conducted Training of Trainers programs for the personnel of institutions such as Sun Expres Airlines, Corendon Airlines, Sky Airlines, ICF, State Airports Authority, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Hacettepe University. She served as a member of TUBITAK SOBAG Social and Human Sciences Research Support Group Called Projects Advisory Board, panelist and external consultant. She took part in the Company-Based Education Working Group of the Technology Development Foundation (TEGEV). She serves as a project consultant and author in the dimensions of Program Development and Course Material Preparation, Teacher Training in the Balanced Nutrition Education Project carried out by the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Basic Education and Sabri Ülker Food Research Institute in 20 provinces. She has worked as a trainer, consultant and executive in TUBITAK, European Union, Ministry of National Education, Private Sector Supported Projects. She has national and international books, papers and publications.


Prof. Dr. Beraat Özçelik

Prof. Dr. Beraat Özçelik

Honorary Member of Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation

Beraat Özçelik, after graduation from Ege University in 1990, Food Engineering Department, has gained her Ms and PhD degrees from ITU Food Engineering Department. She worked as visiting scholar at Ohio State University Food Science and Technology Department, for her post-doctorate study. Having a number of scientific national and international publications, her research studies focused on functional foods and nutraceuticals, health effects of bioactive food compounds, nanoencapsulation and bioavailability. To date, she worked as coordinator or researcher in many EU projects, and conducted TUBITAK and other national projects. Having scientific committee memberships in Turkish Food Codex Commitee and some foundations, she has taken place in Editorial Boards of Scientific journals and in organizing committee of international congress. Being a former Head of Food Engineering Department and Rectorate advisor, Prof. Dr. Beraat Özçelik is actively working as Dean of the Faculty.

Prof. M. Temel Yılmaz

Prof. M. Temel Yılmaz

Head Of Department Of Immunology At The Experimental Medicine Research Institute, Istanbul University and Head Of Diabetes Foundation Of Turkey

Prof. Dr. Yılmaz obtained his specialization in the Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty at Istanbul University. He works in the fields of immunology, metabolism and diabetes. He worked as Head of Department of Diabetes at Medical Faculty of Istanbul, Head of Department of Immunology at the Experimental Medicine Research Institute of the Istanbul University. He is currently Head of IU Diabetes Practice and Research Centre, Diabetes Foundation of Turkey. Prof. Dr. Yılmaz is also the author or a member of the editing council of 14 books in this field. He has written over 320 articles.

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