Ways to Protect Your Health in Summer

Ways to Protect Your Health in Summer

Ways to Protect Your Health in Summer

In the summer months, the air temperatures are above seasonal norms and in some regions, the humidity rate increases with the temperatures, which may adversely affect our health. Due to the increase in temperature and humidity, body temperature increases and metabolism tries to adapt to this new situation. High temperatures and high humidity can make it difficult to control body temperature and increase the risk of certain diseases. Health problems such as heat cramps, miliaria (rash), heat exhaustion and even heat stroke, which are among the serious conditions, are among the more common problems encountered during this period.

Groups most affected by extreme heat:

  • People aged 65 and over
  • Children under 4 years old
  • Those in need of care
  • Pregnant women
  • Workers in open areas
  • Overweight
  • Chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, psychological diseases, chronic respiratory system diseases, liver diseases, kidney diseases)
  • People who are constantly taking medication (especially blood pressure lowering, diuretics, depression and sleeping pills).

Why do temperature-related diseases occur?

Heat-related illnesses usually occur as a result of an excessive increase in body temperature. The body has a temperature that is normally stabilised at around 37 degrees Celsius. However, in cases of high temperature or prolonged exposure, the body temperature may rise above this level. In this case, the body starts to sweat to cool down. However, factors such as high humidity can affect the sweating process, making it difficult to reduce body temperature. In addition, factors such as dehydration and electrolyte imbalance also play a role in the development of heat-related illnesses. Therefore, it is important to keep body temperature under control and ensure adequate fluid intake in hot weather.

How can you tell if you are drinking enough fluids in summer?

An important indicator of whether you are getting enough fluids in summer is the feeling of thirst. Feeling thirsty is the first sign that your body needs water. Also, the colour of your urine can be an indicator of your fluid intake. When you drink enough fluids, your urine will be light and clear, whereas when you drink less water, it may be darker and less abundant. It is therefore important to regulate your daily fluid intake by paying attention to the colour of your urine and taking into account the feeling of thirst.

Let's take a look at health tips in 10 steps to prevent heat-related diseases:

  1. In hot and humid weather, avoid sports that require excessive effort if you are not used to tiring your body. You can prefer morning and evening hours for intense physical activity and sports.
  2. Try not to go out during the hottest hours of the day (10.00-16.00) unless you have to. When you go out, avoid being under the sun for a long time by spending time in shade or cool areas.
  3. To protect yourself from sunburn, wear light-coloured, lightweight, loose-fitting and tightly woven clothing, a hat with wide brims and air holes, and sunglasses that protect you from the sun's harmful rays.
  4. Drink plenty of water and drinks containing electrolytes. You can limit the consumption of drinks containing caffeine, as these drinks can cause dehydration.
  5. You can take a cold shower during the day to cool down in hot weather. You can also use electric fans or put wet towels on your body.
  6. You can lower your body temperature by applying an ice pack to areas close to the body's main blood vessels, especially the neck, armpits and groin.
  7. If you feel unwell and experience severe symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Serious conditions such as heat stroke may require emergency intervention.
  8. To avoid the sun's rays, spend time in shaded areas and avoid exposure to the sun at right angles to the sun.  
  9. You can do your physical activities early in the morning or in the evening instead of at noon.
  10. You should also pay attention to your nutrition in summer. Consume the nutrients your body needs by choosing light and balanced meals.


  1. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı, 2024. Aşırı sıcaklardan korunma. Access date:16.08.2024


  1. Harvard Health Publishing, 2018. Heat-related illness: How to keep your cool. Access date: 23.07.2024 https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/heat-related-illness-how-to-keep-your-cool-2018081714590

  2. Harvard T.H. Chan, 2024 How to take care of yourself in extreme heat? Access date: 23.07.2024 https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/how-to-take-care-of-yourself-in-extreme-heat/
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